If you are lucky enough to be building yourself a new home in Aylesbury or Marlow, or indeed anywhere else in Buckinghamshire, then you are no doubt considering installing underfloor heating. It is the best possible way to heat any home today, to the extent that many people who are not actually moving to a new home are nevertheless having their old radiator systems ripped out and replacing them with underfloor heating.

It makes a lot of sense, especially in this day and age when climate change is on everybody’s minds. Underfloor heating in Buckinghamshire is just so much more efficient. When you have a radiator system, a lot of the energy that you use to heat it is simply wasted. With underfloor heating, none of it is wasted.

This is because when you use underfloor heating all the heat passes into the room above through the floor. So, every part of the room is heated evenly, as opposed to a radiator system which always has parts of the room which are colder than others.

At UK Screeds we provide a water-based heating system. This works by heating water which is then pumped through a pipe system under the floor. The water pipes then need to be covered in a screed.

The Screed Has Several Advantages

We use the latest liquid screeds which have several advantages over the traditional sand and cement varieties. A sand and cement screed has to be laid by hand, and this means that it is virtually impossible to totally cover the heating pipes. There will always be air gaps here and there, and that means that the heat transfer into the room above will not be even.

By contrast, our liquid screeds will totally cover the heating pipes for the simple reason that they are liquid. That means that you get 100% heat transfer into the room. However, it gets even better because the heat transfer properties of the type of screed that we use is almost twice that of the traditional sand and cement screeds. In effect that means that in order to bring the room up to the same temperature you use only half the amount of energy – and that translates into half the cost. Hands up all those who don’t want lower heating bills!

There are several other benefits with our underfloor heating in Buckinghamshire too. For more information, give us a call on 02037 817775 or email us on info@ukscreedsltd.co.uk.