We ensure that the concrete slab or block and beam floor has a damp-proof membrane installed above it. Before floor preparation in Warwick, any water pipes or electrical wires that need to be passed through the floor must be fastened to the ground in conduit. It is now simpler to install the flow and return pipes to the manifold, the wires to the boiler, and the room thermostats for the underfloor heating system.

Other typical locations for the installation of pipes and cables include kitchen island units, electrical outlets in living room flooring, and shower trays in bathrooms and wet areas. Things that will eventually need to be fastened through to the concrete base, such as the base of a staircase, must have their precise location decided upon and chalked out now.

We make sure you are aware of the following before the floor preparation in Warwick:

  • knowledge about the necessary floor structure
  • conscious of any services that must be installed on the floor
  • conscious of any objects that will eventually need to be fastened to the floor.

We make sure that the chosen floor structure will fit between the joists and that the joists are deep and sturdy enough to withstand any necessary notching in addition to routing plumbing pipes and electrical wires through the joists beforehand. If steel beams are too high, it might be necessary to drill holes in them or elevate the entire floor a little bit to provide room for the heating pipes to pass over them.

To ensure that the insulation boards fit neatly over any pipes or wires that pass through the joists or along the top of the concrete base, we groove the underside of the boards. Once installed, the insulation’s top should be perfectly flat.

To apply liquid screed over a solid floor, we install an extra waterproof membrane six inches up the walls and above the insulation. To make sure the membrane is completely watertight and holds the liquid screed in place while it dries, we will tape the seams.

All solid screeds must include an air gap around the edge to accommodate thermal expansion. Each screeded area’s border is sealed with a foam expansion strip to provide this air gap. If a liquid screed is to be used, it is simply tacked or stapled into place; otherwise, it is taped to the membrane.

Do you need this kind of an amazing service? Give us a call now.