
If you are like most people, and you are looking for a new home, you probably already have an idea of what your dream home would look like. However, finding your dream home may prove very difficult when push comes to shove, and even if you do, it may well be out of your price range.

laurence July 12, 2021 0 Comments

Underfloor heating systems are being installed more and more in new build homes today as it has come to be realised that they provide several benefits over a radiator system. However, underfloor heating is nothing new: the Romans were using it 2,000 years ago by having trenches dug into floors and covering them with stone, heating from strategically placed fires.

laurence July 7, 2021 0 Comments

Some years ago, underfloor heating was regarded as something for only high-end homes, as it was deemed expensive to install and run. So, most new build homes from the 1960s onwards have been heated using a radiator system. Certainly, if you use an electric underfloor heating system it can be expensive to run because electricity tariffs can be high. Electric systems are quite cheap to install though.

laurence July 4, 2021 0 Comments

When you have underfloor heating, the good news is that it can be used in conjunction with almost any type of floor surface. The best type of flooring is one which has a high thermal conductivity because this will allow the floor to heat up faster, give better heat output, and run more efficiently.

laurence June 30, 2021 0 Comments

If you are considering installing underfloor heating, whether as part of a renovation project or a new build, there are several things that you need to know. At UK Screeds, as liquid screed contractors in Bristol, we can install your underfloor heating for you as well. There is absolutely no doubt that underfloor heating has many benefits when compared with a radiator system.

laurence June 26, 2021 0 Comments

Over the course of the last few years, anhydrite screeds have grown enormously in popularity, and with good reason. They have so many advantages over the traditional sand and cement screeds that have been used for years. However, when you are going to use tile as the finishing floor surface there are a few things that you need to take into consideration.

laurence June 21, 2021 0 Comments

At UK Screeds we are often asked about the benefits of liquid screeds as compared with the traditional one of sand and cement, and the answer is that there are very many. In fact, there are so many that it is difficult to know where to begin.

laurence June 17, 2021 0 Comments

When you are in the process of constructing a building, there are very many things to consider. One of the most important is the flooring because it will take constant traffic from people walking on it. In some areas, there may be heavy furniture sitting on the floor and, of course, this needs to be level because you don’t want your TV at an angle because it is on a TV stand which in turn is on a floor with dips and bumps in it.

laurence June 12, 2021 0 Comments

At UK Screeds, we are not only a screeding installation company, but we also install underfloor heating. This is becoming more and more popular as people realise all the benefits when compared with a radiator system.

laurence June 8, 2021 0 Comments

One of the most important considerations when planning the construction of a building, or buildings, is the timing of the work on site. All of the various trades need to work on the site in the right order and at the right times, so one needs to follow another as quickly as possible in order to keep costs to a minimum and ensure that the project is not delayed. If you have labour hanging around idle, those people still need to be paid, and that means that somebody, somewhere along the line, is going to have to do the paying. Time is of the essence.

laurence June 4, 2021 0 Comments

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    Gyvlon Screed
    UK Screeds Ltd

    Uk Screeds Ltd was founded in Oxfordshire and is family run business due to the growing demand within the UK. We are proud to now have 11 branches throughout the Uk servicing England and Wales we are still…

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