
More and more people are having underfloor heating installed in their homes these days because it has so many benefits over and above an old-fashioned radiator system. October 23, 2023 0 Comments

The success of any flooring project depends on producing a flat, even, and smooth surface. It is even more critical when planning to install a flat covering like stone or tile to the surface. Otherwise, it will look distorted and uneven, causing aesthetic and safety concerns.

laurence September 20, 2023 0 Comments

Liquid screed applications are fast and affordable to execute. However, it is effortless to make mistakes during installation if you do not perform the proper techniques and strategies to ensure a flawless installation.  

laurence September 20, 2023 0 Comments

Many homeowners request underfloor heating system installations as part of their home improvement projects. Underfloor heating systems do a far better job heating indoor environments than traditional radiator systems. More importantly, they are more energy efficient when used with a layer of liquid screed solution. 

laurence September 20, 2023 0 Comments

A liquid screed application’s installation process is faster and more straightforward than a conventional sand and cement screed installation. That is why our clients prefer liquid screed installations for their domestic and commercial flooring projects. 

laurence September 20, 2023 0 Comments

Now is the time to upgrade to liquid screed for your next new flooring build or renovation project because it is far superior to traditional sand and cement screed. Do you want to know why?

laurence September 20, 2023 0 Comments

Liquid screed is a unique flow screed technology succeeding the traditional sand and cement screed technology. The primary difference between liquid screed and traditional sand and cement screed pertains to ingredients mixed into the solution. Traditional screed contains a mixture of dry calcium sulphate with sand, while liquid screed contains a mix of water and calcium sulphate. 

laurence September 20, 2023 0 Comments

Do you want to know why property owners across the United Kingdom choose liquid screed for their flooring? It is because it offers many more benefits than other types of screeding.

laurence November 7, 2022 0 Comments

Liquid screed floor installations are much simpler than traditional sand and cement screed installations. However, you still must understand the basic steps involved to ensure it comes out correctly. That is why a professional screed flooring specialist should install liquid screeding flooring for you.

laurence November 7, 2022 0 Comments

Are you still considering sand and cement screed for your flooring project? Before you make a mistake in using it, consider liquid screed as a better option.

Liquid screed is formulated to produce a levelled and smooth surface on the interior flooring of a commercial or residential building. The screed is a sublayer applied to the flooring before applying the final floor finishing.

laurence November 7, 2022 0 Comments

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    Gyvlon Screed
    UK Screeds Ltd

    Uk Screeds Ltd was founded in Oxfordshire and is family run business due to the growing demand within the UK. We are proud to now have 11 branches throughout the Uk servicing England and Wales we are still…

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