
One of the fastest growing home improvement projects in the UK is that of installing underfloor heating because of the considerable benefits over and above a radiator system. Certainly, there is a cost involved, but the savings on energy usage and efficiency pay for themselves in a surprisingly short time, and from there onwards it is savings all the way. Underfloor heating also adds to the value of a property.

laurence April 26, 2022 0 Comments

When you are laying a floor in a new building, one of the major considerations is surface regularity. Sub floors are usually constructed of concrete, and this will have variations in depth, and therefore produce a surface which is not level. This is certainly not ideal for laying the finished flooring on, whatever type it is going to be.

laurence April 19, 2022 0 Comments

When you are in the process of constructing a building, one of the things that you need to take into consideration is the floor screed.

Now, it has to be said that when you are constructing a building there is no law which says that you have to use a screed, but in the vast majority of instances, common sense dictates that you should. You obviously want the floor to be as flat and level as possible, so you don’t want to lay the floor finish on a bumpy concrete substrate.

laurence April 13, 2022 0 Comments

More and more homeowners are becoming aware of the many benefits of underfloor heating compared with a radiator system, and in fact, installing underfloor heating is becoming one of the fastest growing home improvement projects in the UK.

laurence April 6, 2022 0 Comments

At UK Screeds, we are often asked about the many benefits of our liquid screeds – and there are a lot of them – but we also get questions about whether there are any disadvantages.

So, let’s get that one out of the way before we go any further. Yes, there are a couple of downsides, one of which is that, for rather obvious reasons, you cannot use them on sloping floors in wet rooms!

laurence April 3, 2022 0 Comments

If you are installing underfloor heating in a new building it needs to be covered with a floor screed. For many years now a floor screed has been made up using just sand and cement, often mixed on site in a cement mixer, and then laid by hand by a worker using a hand trowel to level it out.

laurence March 27, 2022 0 Comments

When you are constructing a new home, one of the most important things is to see to it that the floor is as level and flat as possible. This is particularly important with modern precast concrete beam and block floors, which have a distinct camber that can cause problems when it comes to laying floor finishes.

laurence March 24, 2022 0 Comments

More and more new homes today are being built with underfloor heating because of the many advantages that it has over and above a radiator system. For a long time, it was considered that underfloor heating was an expensive item and only suitable for high-end homes, but in fact when you install it in conjunction with a liquid screed it can be economically viable for all types of homes, not just those at the top end of the market.

laurence March 19, 2022 0 Comments

There is no rule that says that when constructing a building you have to install a floor screed in Beaconsfield, or anywhere else for that matter. However, if you want your final flooring to be as flat and level as possible, which most people do, then you will need to lay a floor screed. This provides as flat and level a surface as possible on which to fix the final flooring, whatever it may be.

laurence March 13, 2022 0 Comments

If you are going to install underfloor heating in a new building in High Wycombe, or anywhere else, one of the questions that we often get asked at UK Screeds is if it is compatible with such and such a final floor surface, and the answer is almost always “yes”.

laurence March 6, 2022 0 Comments

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    Gyvlon Screed
    UK Screeds Ltd

    Uk Screeds Ltd was founded in Oxfordshire and is family run business due to the growing demand within the UK. We are proud to now have 11 branches throughout the Uk servicing England and Wales we are still…

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